Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 



Waving the White Flag

I’ve seen the dogwood flowers and the strawberry blossoms blooming, so it’s time to revisit the white flowers of the Yukon wildflower season.

dwarf%20dogwoodIt would be a shame to pass by these little white wildflowers and focus only on their more colourful friends. First up in our visit with the white ones is the dwarf dogwood, pictured on the right. (And as always, you can click on the photos for the bigger picture.) This pint-sized flower is almost circumpolar in the northern hemisphere—it’s only Europe that misses out—with it’s range extending as far south as Colorado and New Mexico. If the name dwarf dogwood is unfamiliar to you, it could be that you know this plant as the bunchberry instead. That name comes from the clusters of bright red berries that form in the center of the set of leaves after the flowers are gone.

This plant is just a bit mysterious. For one thing, the white part we think of as it’s flowers aren’t flowers at all, but bracts* surrounding the flowers, and the flowers are the teeny-tiny green things you see in the center of the white bracts in the photo. So they’re off to a confusing start, and things only becoming more confusing as we move along, because the best sources for wildflower facts give conflicting information about the dwarf dogwood. Are they native to North America? The answers are yes, they are native around the globe, and no, they were introduced to North America. Are they edible? Well, yes, you can eat the leaves as salad greens or a cooked vegie, and yes, the berries are edible but they taste like cotton; but then again, no, the berries are poison, a lesson learned by the Pilgrims themselves when they made a pudding out of dogwood berries that gave them all digestive problems. If that story is true, we can know one thing for sure: This plant is either native to North America or the Pilgrims brought it over on the Mayflower.

mountain%20avensTo the right is the wee mountain avens. This flower is closely related to the yellow dryas featured earlier on, and it develops a similar spritely seed plume that ranges in color from burgundy to gold.

The mountain avens is circumpolar, too, and in North America it follows the Cascade Range south to the Wallowa Mountains of northeastern Oregon. It’s the provincial flower of the Northwest Territories, and in some areas of Nunavut, it has an important job informing hunters when to start hunting caribou. When the little seed plumes begin to untwist, the time is right.

The last white wildflower in our visit is one you’ll probably recognize right off the bat. Yep, the blossoms below are from the wild strawberry. There’s a big patch of wild strawberries blooming right now in the ditch in front of my house.
When the berries come, I’ll eat a few of them, but mostly they’ll be eaten by neighborhood kids or my dog, who loves to sniff through the patch until she finds a sweet one to munch on. And she isn’t the only animal who loves to eat them. The  wild strawberry provides food for a long list of wildlife. Besides many varieties of birds, there are skunks, squirrels and chipmunks, voles and mice, rabbits, deer, and even turtles, who all love to eat the leaves or berries of the strawberry plant.

The only distasteful thing about wild strawberry plants is the company they keep. They like to hang out with my own archenemy of the plant world—poison ivy. It is, you know, its close association with the criminal plant element that earned the wild strawberry the wild part of its name.  So if you live where there is poison ivy (There’s none in the Yukon; that’s why I live here.) and you like picking wild strawberries, you’ll want to make sure you know what poison ivy looks like so you can avoid the itchy misery that touching any part of that nasty plant can bring. That way you can enjoy your bounty of beautiful berries without oozing blisters.
All photos in this post are by Andrew Stark.
*Don’t know what bracts are? They’re just leaves that surround and protect the flowers of a plant.

Previous wildflower posts: 


Sunday's Hymn

We sang only a couple of hymns out of the hymnal this morning and one of them was an obscure Mennonite hymnal only song that I can’t find online, so I’m stuck repeating a hymn I posted only a month ago. This time I’ll post the words as we sang them this morning rather than how they appeared in the Olney Hymnal.

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.

—-John Newton

If you’d like, you hear my church choir singing Amazing Grace when we sang it last month. You’ll be downloading the mp3 if you click that link. (The choir sang this hymn in this arrangement at my husband’s memorial service, too.)

Other hymns, worship songs, etc. posted today:

Have you posted a hymn today and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by emailing me at the address in the sidebar and I’ll add your post to the list.

Quiz: Scripture

It’s been close to a year since we’ve had a theology quiz, so I’ve decided to make another one—one on the historic Protestant doctrine of scripture. Just to make things easier for you, everything you need to know to answer these questions correctly can be found somewhere in the Theological Term of the Week posts. I’ll give the answers some time next week.

1. The books I find in my Bible are authoritative because

  • a. God is their ultimate source.
  • b. they are included in the canon of scripture.
  • c. Christians down through the ages have considered them authoritative.
  • d. a and b above.
  • e. all of the above.

2. That scripture is sufficient means that

  • a. scripture reveals everything I need to know in order to be obedient to God.
  • b. scripture reveals everything I need to know in order to be saved.
  • c. scripture reveals everything I need to know.
  • d. a and b above. 
  • e. all of the above.

3. The ordinary reader of scripture who seeks God’s help will

  • a. find every bit of it is very easy to understand.
  • b. need to have what is read interpreted by the church in order to understand it correctly.
  • c. be able to understand what God requires of him.
  • d. a and b above.
  • e. all of the above.

4. Because God is the ultimate source of all scripture,

  • a. scripture is a unified whole.
  • b. clear passages can be used to help interpret more obscure passages.
  • c. one passage of scripture should not be interpreted in a way that contradicts the rest of scripture.
  • d. a and b above.
  • e. all of the above.

5. 2 Timothy 3:14-17 can be used to support the following doctrine(s):

  • a. the inspiration of scripture.
  • b. the authority of scripture.
  • c. the sufficiency of scripture.
  • d. a and b above.
  • e. all of the above.