Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Unfortunate Cat Food Accident

ff_3cans.gifI had a nasty run-in with a can of cat food first thing this morning and ended up getting a few stitches in my left index finger. I’m thankful that it was a simpler fix than it might have been.
If I can manage it, I’ll get the Dog Days of Feb. post up later. That should be easy enough if I make it mostly a cut-and-paste. If my mouse weren’t set up to use left handed, it’d be even easier.
The moral of the story: Never feed the cat when you are half asleep. Only a fool feeds the cat canned cat food. There are no morals when cats are involved.

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Reader Comments (11)

Oh, my! I'm so sorry -- that must have hurt.

But this helps me feel justified in only giving Toby bagged cat food. Prior to this I had felt a little guilty. He rarely gets the canned stuff.

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjen elslager

My own cat only gets dry food. I'm cheap and I don't feel guilty. :)

But the cat I am babysitting gets gourmet cat food twice a day and she'd very demanding when she's hungry.

February 12, 2008 | Registered Commenterrebecca

Oh, Rebecca! I'm sorry you had a cat food accident! That'll be sore tonight. : (

My cat gets dry food--canned food makes him very hard to live with if you get my drift!

So, you're left handed? Any way you can change the mouse and move it with your right hand temporarily?

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKim from Hiraeth

Ha! Then I also refuse to feel guilty. But I did forget to mention that the spoiled little rat does get table scraps. Sometimes I fear he'll take them right off my plate if I don't offer.

We're very close.

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjen elslager

All of the cat-haters out there are probably thinking that you had it coming!

My mother-in-law used to set out wet cat food outside for her cat overnight. In the winter it would freeze, and then she would microwave it in the morning to soften it up. There's something quite uniquely disgusting about the aroma of microwaved wet cat food.

We're stricly dry cat food here, too.

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKim in ON

Sorry to read about your cat food finger :( We're a strictly dry food house too.

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCarla Rolfe


February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Our kittly gets a little dry food in the morning and a quarter of a can of wet food at suppertime. The rest is refrigerated, of course, and I used to heat up the subsequent portions to room temperature. I don't THINK it smelled! ;)

Dry food is good for kitty's teeth, but wet food is also good because lots of cats don't drink enough water and wet food ups their fluid intake. I have actually heard this from vets... just thought I'd put it out there. :)

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFawn

I've heard that if you feed your cat wet cat food you don't have to worry so much about them getting enough water.

My cat loves to drink from the toilet, so I think he's covered, water-wise. :)

February 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrebecca

Not ALL the cat haters Kim :-)

Hope it feels better soon!

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMummymac

All of the cat-haters out there...

Speaking of hating cats...

[ducking, running, and grinning]

February 14, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthreegirldad

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